The Path to Non-duality

The wellspring of peace and happiness is inside us. To discover it, we must question our notion of an outside.

The Physical Self

Beneath the noise of thought, there is an ever-present tingling on our skin. In the mind’s eye, it appears as a nebulous shape of our body, visible even in complete darkness.

From this visceral feeling arises the physical self. It is the foundation of our individuality, forming the border between what is us and what is not. The physical self is intrinsic to how we engage with the world as distinct beings, but can intensify beyond its natural level.

Physical self in the mind’s eye

When the physical self heightens, it becomes a barrier, splitting our reality into inner and outer. We find ourselves encased in our bodies, cut off from the external world. Through this separation, we enter into a state of duality, a realm that knows only opposites and turmoil.

Duality brings us profound emotional unease. It reduces us to empty shells, our lives devoid of meaning. In our efforts to restore what is lost, we search for happiness but find mirages instead, sinking into apathy and despair. We forget who we truly are.

The path beyond duality leads us to the depths of our being.

There, we awaken to non-duality, the underlying nature of reality where no division exists. It is the very fabric of the universe, without qualities or parts, from which every experience arises. In this non-dual awareness, the sense of separation drops away as we see through our bodily identities, returning to wholeness and clarity.

As we move toward non-duality, the physical self gradually dissolves. With this dissolution, our perception of space itself changes.

Dissolved physical self

The Illusion of Space

When the physical self is heightened, it warps our perception of the world, creating an illusory gap between ourselves and what we see. Objects then seem distanced from us, as though they exist independently outside of our own bodies.

As the physical self begins to subside, the impression of space diminishes. What once appeared distant now draws closer to us.

In non-dual understanding, the division of subject and object resolves into a singular flow of experience. Our eyes open to a direct, unfiltered view of reality, and we no longer feel detached from our surroundings.

The illusion of space reminds us of our dualistic minds, but we have yet to face the underlying cause at play.

Disappearing visual space


We carry a deep tension within us, often without realizing it.

A persistent contraction has settled into our bodies, one so ingrained that we identify with it. This state leaves us chronically anxious, with a knot in our chests and stomachs.

This contraction creates the illusion that we control our actions. We adopt it as we conform to social pressures, using tension to preserve our sense of self. In moments of stress and difficulty, we tighten this grip on our bodies to feel safe, not seeing that it can only make us vulnerable.

Self-contraction reinforces the physical self, confining us in duality. It is the root of our separateness and suffering—the obstacle we must overcome to reach liberation.

As we let go of the self-contraction, the burden of maintaining control lifts from our shoulders. Effortlessness takes hold, and the physical self dissolves as we no longer cling to it.

Release from self-contraction


The physical self fades from our experience. As the veil of separation falls, we see our true non-dual nature, set free from dichotomy and distinction. Suffering ends as we transcend the boundaries of our bodies, merging into a primordial oneness.

A sense of pure fulfillment washes over us. From underneath the void that was once inside us, boundless joy emerges, and we recognize who we are. Timeless awareness brings us into an ocean of peace.